
APIPA – Automatic Private IP Addressing
Short for “Automatic Private IP Addressing” this little Windows function is very cool. It will autoconfigure an IP address if your DHCP server is not available for whatever reason. APIPA will always give an address of or and the subnet will be a class B or APIPA […]

What is a NIC
A NIC or Network Interface Card is a device that allows you to connect to a network. A NIC may be wired or wireless but either way it has circuitry required to communicate on a network. It is NOT a “NIC Card” because the “C” in NIC stands for Card […]

Windows 10 updates and SMB1 for scan to PC
Good Morning Today we are going to discuss how to fix SMB1 after windows 10 dose a update to your system . As we all know windows is constantly doing updates . Well in a interest to combat the wanna cry virus Microsoft has been pushing out a series […]
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