General Tips

Outlook AutoComplete Fix
This Article contains a simple way to understanding the process of restoring your AutoComplete within Outlook after performing an upgrade or changing the Outlook profile. Outlook maintains the AutoComplete list. The list is used by both the automatic name-checking feature and the automatic completion feature. The AutoComplete list, also known […]

Prevent Windows from Automatically Adding Networked Printers
With the addition of Windows 10 comes a new host of problems. One of the most irritating is having a network device automatically installed on your computer and cluttering your device list! Prevent Windows from automatically adding networked printers by following these steps: 1: Navigate to control panel, select network […]

How to open a CD drive if it is unpowered/not working
Broke CD Drive? No problem, to retrieve a CD from a broken/unplugged CD drive there is a pin hole under the tray for manual eject. To use this unfold a paperclip then press the manual eject to open the CD. Below is a picture to locate the pin hole on […]

Scan to Email Using Gmail
When setting up Scan to email on any copier using a Gmail account you will need to allow less secure devices from that Gmail account. Below are screenshots to guide you through enabling this setting If you are unable to scan to email and you are using […]

Scan to email setup
this is a post on what is needed for scan to email .

What ‘s a “browser?”
A browser is a tool on your computer that lets you “surf” or look at things on the internet. When you click that “big blue E” you are opening a browser called “Internet Explorer.” It’s a browser that comes built-in to your Windows operating system. It’s good to know that […]

How to Convert a Document into a PDF File- for free
You don’t need Adobe’s pricey software to make a PDF (portable document format) file from a Word or other document. You can find a bunch of FREE ONLINE PDF creation programs here, at Gizmo’s Best Freeware (one of my favorite sites): Best Free Online PDF Conversion Tools. These are […]

Got photos? Make a FREE printable photo calendar!
I just love things like this. You don’t even have to download anything to your computer (well, other than the PDF file at the end, which is what you will print out on your local color printer!) Create your own printable photo calendar for free! All you need to […]
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