Author: Charlee Thompson

CenterState Bank Security Alert
This advisory is for people that bank with CenterState Bank. CenterState Bank Important Security Alert CenterState Bank customers have been contacted by individuals calling in regards to debit card transaction activity. The individuals sound legitimate and may appear to be calling from a CenterState Bank telephone number; however, you will […]

Disable WordPress Plugins via MySql
Sometimes a WordPress plugin will take down your whole site which can drive you nuts. You can’t get to WP-Admin to fix it and you are left wondering what to do next. Well here is the solution. Login to cpanel in most cases this will be Go to phpMyadmin […]

APIPA – Automatic Private IP Addressing
Short for “Automatic Private IP Addressing” this little Windows function is very cool. It will autoconfigure an IP address if your DHCP server is not available for whatever reason. APIPA will always give an address of or and the subnet will be a class B or APIPA […]

What is a NIC
A NIC or Network Interface Card is a device that allows you to connect to a network. A NIC may be wired or wireless but either way it has circuitry required to communicate on a network. It is NOT a “NIC Card” because the “C” in NIC stands for Card […]

Windows loads with a temporary profile
This can make you want to pull your hair out but the good news is that it isn’t hard to fix. Just log in with the temp profile or another account Click start and type regedit and hit enter **WARNING** Hosing your registry will really jack up your system so […]

It feels good to be back online.

Disable Search Box from Taskbar in Windows 10
If the search box at on the taskbar takes up way too much room on the screen the easy way is to remove it. I don’t like it when you can just click start and start typing so there is no real reason for it anyway. Right click any blank […]

“Unmountable Boot Volume” Win XP
When booting up to Win XP you may get a error that reads “Unmountable Boot Volume”. This is probably because your boot.ini file is messed up. So, what do you do about it, panic and try to mount your boot in your computer…… No that is probably not a […]

Simple and easy to use
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum mattis sollicitudin dolor, vitae volutpat dui. Cras tincidunt imperdiet auctor. Aliquam cursus dui sed tempus rhoncus. Donec fermentum, odio at blandit semper, nunc lorem viverra lorem, non rhoncus lectus magna id diam. Quisque interdum eros a turpis luctus, rutrum tempus nisi […]

How do I delete the registry in Windows 95, 98, Me?
When you install windows consider why you are reinstalling your OS. If you have a virus you may want to debug your hard drive first to make sure that the virus is really gone. If you just want to start over on a clean slab format is normally ok. If […]
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